Eastover Auto Supply        

GSA Schedule Number GS-30F-0012V

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You are welcome to visit our Electronic Catalog 24/7.  


Your User Name = autovalue

Your Password = 123456

Visit the Electronic Catalog - Click here.


Prior to your first visit you may need to satisfy some system requirements, to do so;

STEP 1 Go to:  http://www.iapshop.com/servicedealer.htm


 STEP 2  Scroll down to bottom of the page and click the "check your system here button or simply,

Please Note – If you are using Windows XP as your Operating System the system check may still show that the msxml software still needs to be installed. 

If this is the case follow the following directions to install the msxml software.

a.       Go to the following website http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/

b.      In the Product/Technology droplist, select (All)

c.       In the Keywords field, enter "MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2"

d.      Click go. Select that product to download.

e.       You only need to download and install the msxml.msi file.

f.     It is suggested that you download the file to your desktop and install the software by clicking on the icon on your desktop after the download finishes.         


Once the system check is complete you can check our inventory in real time.






Send mail to will.foreman@eastoverauto.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 02, 2011