Eastover Auto Supply        

GSA Schedule Number GS-30F-0012V

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proudly presents

8 days


Beautiful Punta Cana Dominican Republic


January, 2010

The more you spend, 

The less you pay!


This trip is all-inclusive.  Flight, Hotel, Meals and Drinks are all included.

 Let your 2009 parts purchases earn you credit towards your cost of the trip.

Let the increase in your 2009 parts purchases earn even more!

Here’s how it works.

 The moment you sign up we begin tracking your purchases at Eastover Auto Supply. 

Each month, from February of 2009 through December 2009 we will bill you $300 (total of $3,000.00 per couple). 

We will then credit you 1% of your previous month’s purchases.

In addition we will credit you 4% of your increase in purchases from the same month in 2008.

Just an Example:


During 2009 a Customer spends $6,000.00 per month total      =  $72,000.00

During 2008 same customer spent $4,000 per month                 =  $48,000.00

Customer’s 2009 vs 2008 increase in purchases                        =  $24,000.00

Customer is billed $3,000.00 per couple                                            $ 3,000.00

Customer is credited 1% of 2009 purchases                                     $   -720.00

Customer is credited 4% of 2009 increase                                         $   -960.00

Customers actual cost for trip                                                               $ 1,320.00

Don’t delay!  Tracking begins the moment you sign up.  It is not retroactive.  Call today!


What's New?  Photo Blocker, Dorman OE Solutions & Auto Ventshade 
Meet the People (click here).

Just for visiting our site we are offering you the coupon below:

Simply cut it out and bring it to the store.  You will save $5.00 on a purchase of $50.00 or more.  It is our way of saying, thanks, for visiting our site.


Send mail to will.foreman@eastoverauto.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 02, 2011